Here's a quick guide of Lynx's basic keys: (case sensitive) h ---> Access the Help file g ---> Go to an URL d ---> Download . ---> Download by running 'wget' at background z ---> Interrupt data transfer k ---> Show current key functions q ---> Quit p ---> Print document (useful for HTML to TXT conversion) * ---> Enable/Disable the 'MAKE LINKS FOR ALL IMAGES' option o ---> Go to personal options menu v ---> Access bookmark file a ---> Add address to bookmark (l ---> add cursor link d ---> add document link) G ---> Edit document's URL E ---> Edit cursor's URL s ---> Search (for search documents only, like Aminet's search) / ---> Search the document for a string CTRL-L ---> Refresh the screen CTRL-R ---> Reload document These are for the requester that appears when Lynx asks for file names, URL addresses...) CTRL-U ---> Delete string CTRL-O ---> Abort Using 'ADVANCED' user mode instead NOVICE or INTERMEDIATE removes the information at the bottom of the screen, and you can see where the cursor point at. I recommend to use ADVANCED.